Skilled Migration

Skilled migration program aims to attract skilled migrants to Australia who are under 45 (though there could be exceptions), with a sound knowledge of English and have qualifications and experience. Skilled migrants account for approximately 70% of all migrants.
A new set of skilled migration procedures called SkillSelect came into effect on 1 July 2012. SkillSelect is a database where all prospective skilled migrants must register and the system will automatically rank them in their occupation group depending on their score. The system also automatically issues invitations to apply for a visa depending on quotas set by the Department of Immigration and in accordance with a pre-determined schedule. Also, if the intending migrant has specified in their Expression of Interest that they want to be considered for state/territory or employer sponsorship, then the relevant states and territories, as well as prospective employers will be able to see certain information about the candidate and contact them directly to discuss potential sponsorship.
To check your personal Australian mihration scheme eligibility, please, use our ELIGIBILITY ASSESSMENT form.
Independent and state/territory sponsored migration
Skilled migration stream has two main categories: independent and sponsored migration. Skilled migration requires the applicant to score a certain number of points. The points are allocated for age, knowledge of English, work experience etc. In general, to be eligible for this visa, a person must be under 45, have their qualifications assessed by a relevant Australian assessing authority, demonstrate good English language ability and often appropriate work experience.
Independent migration pathway suits those candidates who have no relatives in Australia, no employer willing to sponsor them and they do not require a state/territory sponsorship.
Sponsorship by an Australian state/territory gives the candidate extra points: 5 for the permanent visa sponsorship, 10 for the provisional visa sponsorship. If your occupation is on the occupation list of the relevant state/territory and you meet their sponsorship criteria, you can lodge a sponsorship application.
If you have a close relative in Australia, who resides in a designated area, this relative can also sponsor you for migration, but only for the provisional visa. This sponsorship will give you extra 10 points.
Employer sponsorship
Employer Sponsorship migration does not involve points scoring and mandatory SkillSelect registration, however the applicant must have an employer willing to sponsor them. Visa application process involves several steps. First, the employer must obtain sponsorship approval and then the applicant can lodge their visa application. Even though there is an age limit for applicants (must be under 45), in certain cases more mature-aged candidates may be considered.