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Family Migration

Family migration program allows Australian citizens and permanent residents to bring their family members and relatives to Australia. This program has different categories.

Partner Visa (Spouse/De-facto Partner/Same-sex Partner)
All these visa categories have similar migration criteria. Immigration process involves two stages: first a temporary visa is granted, and in two years’ time, if the relationship is still genuine and continuing, a permanent visa is granted. In certain cases, if the relationship is long-lasting it is possible to be granted a permanent visa without having to wait for two years.

Prospective Visa (Fiance/Fiancee)
For those who are planning to marry an Australian citizen or permanent resident there is a special temporary visa that allows them to enter Australia. Once the marriage is officially registered, an application for a spouse visa is lodged as per the description in the category above.

Parents Visa
In many cases, parents of Australian citizens/permanent residents are eligible to apply for parent migration. There are different visas available for parents, however, there are two main options: standard (with a standard visa application charge) and contributory (with a significantly higher visa application charge). Contributory visas have significantly higher quotas and consequently, the processing time is significantly reduced.

Children Visa 
There are also visas for children, as well as other close relatives of Australian citizens or permanent residents.

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